Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The Colorful Foods of Fall:

The brighter the color, the better it is for you! 

Fall a magnificent time of year, a time of vibrant colors in the trees and in our foods.  A time of shorter, colder days when our bodies seek comfort and nutrition and the Earth provides exactly that.  Bold, nutritious and comforting food such as:  Potatoes, Peppers, Pumpkins, Squash, Apples, Pears, Cabbages are all available in the market…

By:  Chef Margie Arosh

Peppers are one of my favorite ingredients to cook with.  I guess this love comes from my Spanish ancestry.  I love the garden fresh sweet and spicy flavor they impart to a dish.  In Spanish cuisine many dishes are started with a “Sofrito” or flavor base. This is made by sautéing onions, garlic and chili peppers in olive oil and then adding your other ingredients.   

One of the most common foods of fall is apples.  Due to their high antioxidant content, fiber and vitamins, apples really do help keep the doctor away.  This time of year, apples are at their best, straight from the trees, never having seen a dark storage space.  They are extremely versatile and easily incorporated into your diet.  

Dark leafy greens such as spinach and Swiss chard are vitamin-rich and brimming with Phytonutrients.  Orange foods such as sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkins and carrots are excellent sources of vitamins and nutrients and are known as ‘Antioxidant Superstars’.  Not only do they help preserve good eyesight but they help guard us against a host of diseases.  
Did you know that sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat.  They are high in fibre, complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium and can help regulate blood sugar, making them a great ‘sweet’ for people with diabetes.

Moroccan Swiss Chard Salad
*as with many "Moroccan Salads", they need to marinate for several hours or overnight to achieve their maximum flavor.
·       1 large bunch of Swiss Chard
·       3 cloves garlic, minced
·       3-4 tablespoons canola or virgin olive oil (I like a neutral oil)
·       juice of 1 lemon
·       ½  to - 1 teaspoon salt
·       ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
·       ½ teaspoon paprika
·       ½ teaspoon turmeric
·       ½ teaspoon or more ground cumin
Wash the Swiss Chard carefully as it may be sandy.  With a peeler, lightly peel the tough fibers from the stalks.  Using a sharp knife remove the leaves from the stalks and chop the stalks into ¼ inch slices. 
Place the stalks in a pot of boiling salted water and cook for 3 - 5 minutes until fork tender.  Remove and place in a strainer.  Blanch the leaves in the water just to wilt, remove and place in the strainer also.
In a sauté pan over low heat sauté the oil and garlic for a moment, just until fragrant, add the spices, stir well, remove from the heat and add the chard and lemon juice.  Combine well, taste to adjust seasoning and refrigerate until service, preferably a few hours or overnight.  Before serving taste again and adjust seasoning.  Best served at room temperature.
Moroccan Roasted Pepper Salad
·       4 red or yellow bell peppers
·       1 hot banana pepper (optional)
·       4 cloves of garlic slightly crushed
·       3 to 4 tablespoons olive or canola oil
·       Juice of ½ lemon
·       ½ teaspoon kosher salt


Lightly rub the peppers with a little oil and place on BBQ or under broiler until blackened on all sides.  Remove and place in a paper bag or bowl tightly covered with plastic wrap and allow to cool.  Peel, deseed and cut peppers into ½ strips.  Lightly crush the garlic with the side of the knife and place in a bowl along with the oil, lemon juice and salt.  Taste to adjust seasoning.  Set in refrigerator to marinade, the longer the better and taste once again before service.  Serve at room temperature.

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